Compartmentalized hierarchy structures

The Palmera Module helps create Safes with different configurations. This enables the creation of functionalities such as clawing back funds allocated by a parent Safe or disabling EOAs from initiating a transaction without permission from the parent Safe. Through these configurations, facilitators can fund individual Safes to achieve various business and community objectives without compromising their funds.

For example, a Root Safe can allocate a set amount of funds to a marketing Safe, allowing the marketing team of an organization to make spending decisions on behalf of the entire organization without having access to all the funds in the organization's treasury. The Palmera Module enables a checks and balances system for organizations, which becomes especially important as organizations grow in size.

Configuring multiple Safes removes unnecessary bottlenecks and enables new ways to shape treasury management. This gives individual Safes more freedom while ensuring greater security within the overall structure by compartmentalizing power among different Safes.

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