Palmera APP
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To facilitate access to all functions of the Palmera Module smart contracts, we have integrated it in Palmera App. The dashboard removes all of the technical hassle associated with smart contract development and makes the application of complex organization configurations very simple to understand, execute and visualize.
You can use the Palmera Module from the Palmera dashboard to create and modify hierarchical structures and enable an advanced range of functionalities. Some of these functionalities include:
Clawing back the funds allocated by a parent Safe
Disabling members from starting a transaction
Adding an EOA or smart contract to the hierarchical structure of the dashboard
Designing flexible hierarchical models
In the dashboard, dashboard administrators can also create lists for denying or allowing specific smart contracts or EOAs to be added to an dashboard. This empowers users to limit or grant access to their hierarchical structure, which enables the removal of potentially malicious actors or the addition of Safes, smart contracts, or EOAs that meet specific criteria.