Add New Safes to Your Dashboard

After creating your dashboard, you can always add new Safes. There are two ways to add Safes to your existing dashboard: from the "Safe" section or the "Overview" section. Click "Add Safe" and choose either "Create a New Safe" or "Load Existing Safes."

Creating a New Safe

Set Up Details:

  • Name your Safe and select the network.

  • Add signers by entering their wallet addresses. Use “Add New Signer” to include more signers and assign names.

  • Set the threshold for the number of signers required to approve transactions.

Review and Create:

  • Review details: network, Safe name, signers, threshold, and fees. Click “Create” when satisfied.

Note: You can change the settings of your new Safe in the Palmera Settings section.

Confirm and Sign:

  • Confirm and sign your transaction. Wait for your Safe account to be indexed.

Loading Existing Safes

Automatic Fetch:

  • Palmera fetches existing Safes where you are a signer across supported chains.

Manual Add:

  • Select the network and enter the Safe address.

Add from List:

  • Select Safes from the provided list or add manually by entering addresses.

Follow these steps to efficiently manage your on-chain treasury assets with Palmera.

Last updated